Quickly test your Receiver Design to the SFF-8431/SFF-8635 Specifications
Product Overview
GRL’s SFF-8431/SFF-8635 Specification Receiver Calibration and Test Automation software for the Tektronix BERTScope BSA (GRL-SFPP-RX) provides an automated, simple and efficient way to test your Receiver to the 10Gb/s SFP+ (SFF-8431) and QSFP+ (SFF-8635) Specifications. GRL-SFPP-RX automates both the BERTScope and the Tektronix real-time oscilloscope to calibrate the stressed eye opening and test Receiver conformance and jitter tolerance. Following an industry-standard methodology, the software calibrates the jitter parameters. GRL-SFPP-RX provides a simple user interface to automate complex SFP+ testing. The software runs on any Windows 7 or 8 PC or oscilloscope, and significantly reduces equipment calibration time. Leverage and protect your BERTScope investment. Save valuable time and optimize the use of your resources across multiple projects.
Key Features
- Automated calibration of signal impairments to achieve stressed Receiver Eye Height and Eye Width, in accordance with SFF-8431 Specification
- Automated inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel calibration and Jitter Tolerance testing
- Automated Receiver Margin Test that goes beyond compliance
- Support for Variable ISI automation
- Simple setup, test execution, and reporting in PDF files