May 04, 2023 GRL Team

Matter 1.0 Standard Qualification and Testing - Technical Webinar

EN page-1
Date: May 23, 2023 (Tuesday)
Session 1:  18:00 PDT (May 22) | 09:00 SGT / 北京时间
Session 2: 07:00 PDT | 16:00 CEST
Arvin Ho - Director of Wireless Business Development, Granite River Labs

Arvin is a CSA (MATTER scope)-ATL representative (since 2022) and a Thread Group-ATL representative, with 17 years of experience in the TIC industry leading the development of testing services for various wireless technologies.

Join our webinar on Matter 1.0 Standard Qualification and Testing

Over 740 Matter-certified devices have contributed to the significant growth of the smart home industry since December 2021. By following Matter's protocols, your smart home devices and systems achieve interoperability, which also cuts down development costs, speeds up time-to-market, and ultimately offer more cost-effective products for consumers.

In this webinar, you will learn about how to certify your devices and ensure they meet necessary testing requirements, as well as gain an overall understanding of Matter and CSA (Connectivity Standard Alliance).

Tap into smart home market opportunities by certifying devices with Matter!

Topics :

  • Overview of Matter and CSA
  • Matter and PAN Wireless Communication Technologies
  • Matter Qualification Process and Type
  • Matter Testing - Test Plan, Requirements
  • Q&A

Note: In the event that you are unable to join either session, please also sign up on our registration page and we will send you the recording after the webinar ends. 

Published by GRL Team May 4, 2023