Date: September 21, 2022
Location: Westin Tokyo, Japan
Register for the event here
Schedule a 30-minute meeting/ demo with GRL's Yasuo Urabe and Kiyoki Sekine
Date: September 26, 2022
Location: Grand Hyatt Seoul, South Korea
Register for the event here
Schedule a 30-minute meeting/ demo with GRL's JW Moon and MyoungHyun Choi
Granite River Labs (GRL) invites you to visit us at the PCI-SIG Developers Conference APAC Tour 2022 in Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea. GRL is a Sponsor and will demonstrate the latest offering of electrical compliance test automation software solutions, PCIe 5.0 Transmitter, Receiver and PLL Peaking and Loop Bandwidth. With 7 labs worldwide, GRL can help with PCIe 5.0, 4.0, and earlier Base (ASIC) and CEM (System) Specification Pre-Compliance Tests.
Participants at PCI-SIG Developers Conferences have the opportunity to engage with PCIe® experts, attend technical trainings, and gain best practices to improve product roll-out and interoperability.
More information available on PCI-SIG DevCon 2022 page.