for the Anritsu MP1900A BERT.
GRL's complete USB4® Version 2.0 solution includes:
Quickly test your Receiver TER and Frequency Variation to the USB4® Version 2.0 Gen 4 standard with the Anritsu MP1900A BERT and Keysight high-performance scopes
Developed by a recognized world leader in Thunderbolt and USB testing, GRL’s USB4® Version 2.0 Receiver Calibration and Test Automation software for the Anritsu MP1900A BERT provides an automated and efficient way to test your USB4® Gen 4 Receiver. GRL-USB4-V2-RXA automates the Anritsu MP1900A BERT and Keysight real-time oscilloscope to calibrate the BERT and overall channel stress signals to worst-case condition. Following the USB4® Version 2.0 CTS, GRL-USB4-V2-RXA provides a simple user interface to perform complex USB4 Gen 4 testing, and significantly reduces equipment calibration and test time.
GRL-USB4-V2-RXA supports testing for USB4 Gen 4 receiver TER compliance without FEC and frequency variation for Case 1 and Case 2. GRL-USB4-V2-RXA runs on Windows 11+ PC or oscilloscope, and works with USB4 Version 2.0 high-speed test fixtures and microcontroller.
Download the GRL USB4® Version 2.0 Receiver Calibration and Compliance Test Automation Solution (GRL-USB4-V2-RXA) datasheet by filling in the form below, or contact GRL to request a demo.
Measure Tx & Rx to the USB4® Version 2.0 Gen 4 Transmitter and Receiver Return Loss standards with the Anritsu MS46524B VNA.