IEEE 802.3ck 400GBASE-KR4/CR4 Receiver Calibration and Conformance Test Automation Solution for the Anritsu MP1900A BERT and Keysight DCA-X digital sampling oscilloscope (GRL-8023CK-CRKR-RXA)


Overview & Features

Quickly test your Design to the IEEE 802.3ck (Draft 3.1) 400GBASE-CR4 (twinax cable) and 400GBASE-KR4 (backplane) standards

Product Overview

GRL-8023CK-CRKR-RXA provides comprehensive automation to calibrate and test your 106 Gbps (53 Gbaud PAM4) receiver to the IEEE 802.3ck (Draft 3.1) 400GBASE-CR4 (twinax cable) and 400GBASE-KR4 (backplane) standards. Quickly run receiver jitter and interference tolerance test suites with a fast, industry-accepted, repeatable setup following CR (Section 162) and KR (Section 163) test guidelines.

At the push of a button, calibrate jitter and interference tolerance with victim, FEXT, and noise signal sources and jitter amplitude, and apply the Channel Operating Margin (COM) method of added noise amplitude. 

Key Features

  • Automates RX interference and jitter tolerance calibration and test (Case1 and Case2 channel test cases) for the 802.3ck 100GBASE, 200GBASE and 400GBASE CR/KR interfaces using leading test equipment.
  • Compatible with Keysight DCA-X sampling oscilloscope paired with the Anritsu MP1900A BERT for calibrating Receiver interference and jitter tolerance.
  • Automates up to 3 FEXT crosstalk sources.
  • Automates RX equalization setting search optimization.
  • Automates Gaussian noise injection using Anritsu internal pattern generator or Noisecom J9078/equivalent external source.
  • Provides user configuration of standard and custom settings to accommodate different test environments. 
  • Affordable test solution with debug function helps users obtain reliable and repeatable results.
  • Runs directly on the oscilloscope or remotely on a Win7+ PC. Automatically sets up the scope and captures the required waveforms. Report generation is easy.

Options & Accessories

GRL-8023CK-CRKR-RXA - IEEE 802.3ck 53-Gbaud PAM4 KR4/CR4 400G Backplane/Cable Interface Receiver Calibration and Test Software

Note: Requires MATLAB Runtime for noise amplitude calculation using external COM measurement application.

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Download & Purchase

Contact GRL to request a demo of IEEE 802.3ck 400GBASE-KR4/CR4 Receiver Calibration and Conformance Test Automation Solution (GRL-8023CK-CRKR-RXA).

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