GRL's complete USB4® solution includes:
Note: GRL’s USB4® Return Loss Solutions support Thunderbolt™ 4 and Thunderbolt™ 3
Quickly characterize the performance of your USB4® Host, Hub or Peripheral
Developed by a recognized world leader in Thunderbolt and USB testing, GRL’s USB4® Return Loss Test Automation software for the Keysight 4-Port Vector Network Analyzer (ENA) provides an automated and efficient way to test your USB4® Peripheral, Host or Hub.
GRL-USB4RL-KS supports USB4® Transmitter and Receiver Differential and Common Mode Return Loss and Impedance testing for USB Gen2 and Gen3. It integrates the USB-IF Electrical Test Tool (ETT) for automated DUT test mode entry. GRL-USB4RL-KS runs on any Windows 7+ PC, and is fully integrated with USB4® high-speed test fixtures and microcontroller available from Wilder Technologies (sold separately).
GRL offers a comprehensive, flexible solution to test your USB4® design, including integrated Transmitter (GRL-USB4-TX) and Receiver (GRL-USB4-RXA) test software in a single software framework. GRL-USB-RXA reduces equipment calibration time and automates receiver jitter tolerance testing. GRL’s USB4® total solution saves valuable time and optimizes your test resources.
Note: GRL's complete USB4® solutions includes USB4® Transmitter Test Automation (GRL-USB4-TX), USB4® Receiver Calibration and Test Automation (GRL-USB4-RXA) and USB4® Return Loss Test Automation Software for the Anritsu ShockLine™ Performance VNA (GRL-USB4RL-AN)
GRL-USB4RL-KS - GRL USB4 Return Loss Test Automation software for the Keysight ENA
GRL-USB4RL-AN - GRL USB4 Return Loss Test Automation software for the Anritsu MS46524B VNA
GRL-USB4-RXA - GRL USB4 Receiver calibration and test software for the Anritsu MP1900A. Compatible with Tektronix and Keysight real-time oscilloscopes.
GRL-USB4-TX - GRL USB4 Transmitter test software. Compatible with Tektronix and Keysight real-time oscilloscopes.
GRL-USB4-TXRX - Bundled TX and RX solution: GRL USB4 Transmitter and Receiver Calibration test software for the Anritsu MP1900A and Tektronix and Keysight real-time oscilloscopes.
For a formal quote and pricing information, contact GRL or your Anritsu sales representative.
USB4® Return Loss Test Automation Software for the Keysight ENA (GRL-USB4RL-KS)
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GRL’s USB4® Return Loss Solutions support Thunderbolt™ 4 and Thunderbolt™ 3 Quickly characterize the performance of your USB4® Host, Hub or Peripheral
GRL’s USB4® Return Loss Solutions support Thunderbolt™ 4 and Thunderbolt™ 3 Quickly test your Transmitter to the USB4® CTS using Keysight or Tektronix real-time scope
GRL’s USB4® Return Loss Solutions support Thunderbolt™ 4 and Thunderbolt™ 3 Quickly test your Receiver BER and Jitter Margin to the USB4® CTS with the Anritsu MP1900A BERT and Keysight or Tektronix scope
GRL’s USB 3.2 Receiver Calibration and Test Automation software for the Anritsu MP1900A (GRL-USB32-RXA) provides an automated, simple and efficient way to test your USB 3.2 Gen1 (5G) and Gen2 (10G) Receiver.