Interoperability problems and compliance failures are an all-too-frequent occurrence given the complexity of modern high-speed interface technologies. Many hardware development teams are located far from semiconductor and system engineers and labs. GRL’s global locations are conveniently located in high-tech hubs and provide a neutral location where customer R&D and factory and field support engineers can work together with GRL’s engineers and test equipment to quickly debug and resolve issues.
GRL’s open lab policy allows factory field engineers to access GRL’s labs like their own internal labs as well as get the support of expert engineers to assist in testing and debugging efforts. Getting the right people on the same page regarding an issue is half the challenge, and GRL’s locations and open lab policy facilitates better communication and quicker issue troubleshooting and resolution.
Often debugging an issue requires close cooperation of multiple outside parties; this is often easier said than done. GRL maintains close working relationships with key engineers in all major IC & IP companies and system ODM and OEM’s so that when issues arise, GRL can bring the right experts to the table. As an independent third party, GRL helps cut through unproductive finger-pointing, facilitate multi-party dialog and analysis, and lead problem resolution quickly and efficiently .
Granite River Labs has worked with over 300 semiconductor and system companies on debugging and resolving their interoperability and compliance problems. GRL’s engineers come from IC validation and test equipment backgrounds, and work with a wide variety of test equipment and GRL test solutions.
Led by recognized veterans in the Test & Measurement and Semiconductor industries, GRL provides a wide range of Consulting & Training across a range of technologies and domains, including:
GRL offers both regular public Training & Hands-On Workshops, and custom-tailored private sessions accommodating corporate groups of 2-3 engineers to 20+.
Contact GRL to learn more about our consulting services, or to schedule a private training session.