Worldwide Locations

Worldwide Locations

Santa Clara Lab

Granite River Labs Inc.
3000 Lakeside Drive,
Santa Clara, CA 95054-2810 USA
Main Phone: +1 (408) 406-5299
Fax: +1 (408) 912-1810
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Germany Lab

Granite River Labs GmbH
Technology Park Karlsruhe, Building 7G
2nd Floor, Albert- Nestler-Str. 15
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Main Phone: +49 721 61052311
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Belgium Lab

Granite River Labs Belgium BV
Thor Park 8300
3600 Genk, Belgium

Main Phone: +32(0)479798491
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Taipei Lab

Granite River Labs
Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.,
Taiwan Branch

5F No. 489, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd.,
Neihu Dist. Taipei City 11493, Taiwan
Main Phone: +886 (2) 2657-2199
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Yokohama, Japan Lab

 Granite River Labs Japan Ltd.

6F Urbancenter Shin-Yokohama,
2-2-8 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku
Yokohama 222-0033 Japan
Tel: +81 45-470-0030
Fax: +81 45-470-0031
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Shanghai Lab

GraniteRiverLabs_Worldwide Lab Locations_Shanghai, China_Yishan Rd, Xuhui District

Granite River Labs
Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Room 103, B2, No.700 Yishan Rd,
Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200233
Tel: +86 (21) 5439-9037
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Click here for Baidu map


Dongguan Lab

GraniteRiverLabs_Worldwide Lab Locations_Dongguan, China_Songshan Lake, Dongguan City

Granite River Labs
Dongguan Co., Ltd.

Room 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, Level 20, Building 1, No. 5 Keji 2nd Rd.,
Songshan Lake, Dongguan City
China 523808
Tel: +86 (769) 2223-5721
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Click here for Baidu map


Korea Lab

Granite River Labs
Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Korea Branch

#908~913, BT Center,
56 Songdogwahak-ro,
Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21984

인천시 연수구 송도과학로 56 BT센터 9층 908-913호 - Click here for Naver Map

Tel: +82 070 8808 5214
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Bangalore, India R&D Center and Lab

Granite River Labs Technology Private Limited
Unit No. 7 & 8, 1st Floor, ROACH ICON (RBD Icon),
Survey No. 28 & 36/5, Outer Ring Road,
Doddanekundi, K R Puram Hobli,
Bangalore 560037, India
Main Phone: +91 80-4123 6878

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Granite River Labs India Services Private Limited
Unit No. 10, 1st Floor, ROACH ICON (RBD Icon),
Survey No. 28 & 36/5,
Outer Ring Road,
K R Puram Hobli,
Bengaluru 560037, India
Main Phone: +91 80-2990 0533
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*Both India offices are located within the same building, with offices next to each other.


Penang, Malaysia R&D Center

Granite River Labs
Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

1-12-02, Suntech Penang cybercity,
Lintang Mayang Pasir 3,
11900 Penang Malaysia
Main Phone: +60 12-409-2630
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Singapore Office, GRL Asia-Pacific Headquarters

Granite River Labs
Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
51 Goldhill Plaza, #07-10/11
Singapore 308900
Main Phone: +65 3158 5179
Fax: +65 6354 3261
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Since 2010: close to technology, close to you 

Granite River Labs has been a trusted engineering services and automated test solutions partner since inception.

Join us in revolutionizing engineering solutions and bringing new technologies to end-customers worldwide.


Santa Clara Lab

The GRL journey in engineering services and test solutions began in 2010, with the 1st lab opening in the heart of global innovation, Silicon Valley.
Since then, GRL has helped over 500 semiconductor and system developers stay at the forefront of rapidly evolving technology. On 18 Nov, 2022, we moved our headquarters to Lakeside Drive, Santa Clara to accommodate growing business needs.
2010, USA
Granite River Labs_GRL_Taipei Lab_Taiwan_lift lobby_global leader in USB testing

Taipei Lab

Taipei was chosen as our next stop to meet surging demand for wired product evaluations and launch a new portfolio in wireless testing services.

The facility doubled our global footprint and at 2,100 square meters, continues to be one of our largest labs that service the biggest names in tech interoperability testing today.

2012, TAIPEI
GRL Bangalore, India_R&D Center and Lab

Bangalore, India Lab
and R&D Center

Opened in July 2013, the GRL Bangalore Test Lab and R&D Center marked the first of its kind in India.

Over the past decade, our Bangalore lab has played a crucial role in helping customers tackle the challenges associated with adopting multi-gigabit connectivity technology, offering a broad range of services and solutions.

2013, INDIA
JP lab 2025

Yokohama, Japan Lab

GRL Japan opened in Shin Yokohama shortly after a local sales office was established the same year to provide Japan-based customers with access to official certification testing, pre-compliance, and debugging support.

2013, JAPAN

Singapore Office, GRL Asia-Pacific Headquarters

As part of efforts to tap into global talent and new business opportunities, GRL set up its second headquarters in 2013, this time in one of the most vibrant business centers of the Asia Pacific, Singapore.

Granite river labs_GRL Penang, Malaysia_R&D Center_Deployed GRL-C2_USB independent test labs

Penang, Malaysia R&D Center

The Malaysia R&D Center marked our 4th global expansion in 2013.

Located on the island of Penang, the center serves as the development site for various product lines, software, test platforms, equipment, and more. 

Granite river labs_GRL first China lab, Shanghai_Chinese hardware ecosystem_IC developers to manufacturers

Shanghai Lab

GRL brought our now well-established expertise across various domains into mainland China in 2016.

The new Shanghai office allowed us to provide additional support to China-based customers, many of whom had been patronizing our local sales office since 2013.

Granite river labs_GRL second China lab, Dongguan_Pearl River Delta electronics ecosystem_logo certification testing for HDMI Premium cable

Dongguan Lab

Our second lab in mainland China was set up in 2018, this time at the center of the Pearl River Delta electronics ecosystem, Dongguan.

Initially focusing on the industries of high-speed cables, connectors, chargers, and peripherals, GRL Dongguan offers world-class test and certification capabiilties today.

Granite river labs_GRL Germany Lab, Karlsruhe_centre of innovation_automotive networking_infotainment_charging and power management

Karlsruhe, Germany Lab

GRL Germany was built in Karlsruhe in partnership with Rohde & Schwarz and situated in a major technology hub approximately 1 hour away from Stuttgart and Frankfurt.

Established to bring GRL's high-speed connectivity and charging services to Europe, the facility continues to provide support to growing needs in regional sectors of automotives, medical, and industrial automation.

Korea Lab

Incheon, Korea Lab

Expanding into the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) of Songdo, South Korea brought GRL's collective global footprint to 10 locations. 

The state-of-the-art lab's strategic location allows GRL to help Korean firms build leadership in wireless connectivity, display motion performance, automotives, & IoT.

2022, KOREA
Genk lab 2025

Genk, Belgium Lab

GRL Belgium marked our second lab opening in Europe and the fifth major organizational expansion within a 12-month window.

Located in Genk, the Belgium lab supports Europe's fastest growing technology industries and strengthens our regional presence in the EMEA region.

India lab expansion

India Lab Expansion

GRL's India office gained a new extension in 2023 to provide stronger support in TEC, NCCS, and other Market Access Services. 

The expansion serves as tangible proof of our continuous growth and dedication towards helping our customers break into new markets.

2023, INDIA